Create a character, then go through the Rookie Showcase and everything that follows. Use the following glitch to be able to max out your M圜areer player's stats and skills without actually needing the skill points necessary to buy them. ABA ballĮnter ' payrespect' as a code to unlock the ABA ball. Ruby IguodalaĮnter ' #IGGY9NBAPLAYOFFS' as a code to unlock the Ruby Iguodala.
This dunk package allows your MyPlayer to jump over defenders and do unique dunks, no matter what the stats are of the player. Zero Gravity dunk packageĮnter ' 2K+SPRITE' as a code to unlock the Zero Gravity dunk package for your M圜areer player. Lift Off dunk packageĮnter ' SPRITEBUBBLES' as a code to unlock the Lift Off dunk package for your M圜areer player. Harrison Barnes dunk packageĮnter ' HARRISONSLAM' as a code to unlock the Harrison Barnes dunk package for your M圜areer player. Hang Time dunk packageĮnter ' SLPERBIRTOEN' as a code to unlock the Hang Time dunk package for your M圜areer player. Note: Some codes may eventually expire.Įnter ' #BOXOFCHOCOLATES' as a code to get a random reward.
At the main menu, select the 'Features' option, choose the 'Locker Codes' selection, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.